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Tomato Capsicum Soup with Bacon 培根灯笼椒番茄汤

[Ingredients] 材料

  • 4 slices bacon, chopped 培根 4 条,切碎

  • 4 medium-sized red capsicums, chopped 中形红灯笼椒 4 粒

  • 400g canned peeled whole tomatoes 罐装去皮番茄 400 克

[Others] 其他

  • Black pepper 黑胡椒

  • Salt 盐

  • 3 cups water/chicken stock 水/鸡上汤 3 杯


  1. Cook bacon over medium high heat till oil separates and bacon turns crispy. Transfer to a plate and set aside. 锅里放入培根,煮至出油变酥脆。取出,转放碟中,搁旁待用。

  2. Add in capsicums, stir-fry for 5mins or until capsicums turned soft. 加入灯笼椒,炒 5 分钟或至灯笼椒变软。

  3. Add in tomatoes and water/stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce to low heat and simmer covered for 25mins, or until capsicums are tender. 加入番茄和水/鸡汤。煮滚后,转小火,盖上盖子煮 25 分钟至灯笼椒软熟。

  4. Remove from heat. Process with a hand blender until smooth. Let cook for another few mins. 熄火,以手提搅拌器打至顺滑,再煮数分钟。

  5. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to serving bowls and topped with bacon. 加入盐和胡椒调味。转放入碗中,撒上备好的培根。

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